Frequently Asked Questions

Banking with you, for you.

Online Banking

Q. What type of accounts are accessible on Consumer Online Banking?


You can access your Passumpsic Bank's checking, statement savings, certificates of deposit, IRAs and loans. (Bill payment services are accessible only from checking accounts.)

Q. I have an account at another bank. Can I transfer funds to it from my Passumpsic Bank account?


No, transfers can only be made between Passumpsic Bank accounts.

Q. When will my transfer take place?


If you make a transfer before 5:00p.m. EST, your transfer will post on the same business day. If you make a transfer after 5:00p.m. EST, the transfer will post on the next business day.

Q. I have payments for the same amount due at the same time of each month. Is there an easy way to handle these payments?


Yes, the Consumer online banking system provides for recurring payments. You set the amount, date, and payment frequency, and the system will initiate the payments for you.

Q. What happens if I enter an incorrect password?


If you enter an incorrect password three consecutive times you will need to wait five minutes. Then you have three more opportunities to enter your password. If you do not enter the correct password after these attempts, access will be denied and you will need to use the “forgot password” link on the login page. Password will be emailed. Please call 1(802) 748-3196 if locked out message appears.

Q. What is Consumer Online Banking?


Consumer online banking provides access to your Passumpsic Bank accounts from the convenience of your personal computer 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Our bill payment service lets you pay bills online with no need for checks, stamps, envelopes or trips to the Post Office.

Q. How do I access online banking?


Simply click here for Personal Online Banking or click here for Business Online Banking.

Q. What date should I enter as the payment date? When does it post to my checking account?


The payment date is the date you want payment to arrive at the payee. The payment posts to your checking account on the payment date you enter.

Q. What will I be able to do with online banking?


  • View account balances
  • View account history
  • Search history by check number, amount or date range
  • Transfer funds between accounts
  • Pay bills
  • View current and previous bank statements
  • View check images
  • Export history to personal finance software such as Microsoft Money and Quicken
Q. How current is the information?


Since our Internet banking program is online/ real time, all account information is current as of the day processed.

Q. Who do I contact if I have problems or questions?


You can contact the Customer Support Department by calling 1(802) 748-3196 during regular business hours or by sending an email to

Q. After I have signed up for Bill Pay, what happens?


You can pay bills to anyone in the United States from your personal computer. After you log in to the system, click on List of Accounts then click on the checking account you wish to utilize. Next, click on the bill payment button and set up the payments you wish to make.

Q. What are the software and hardware requirements?


In order to access Consumer online banking you will need a secure browser and a computer that can access the internet. This site requires a browser that supports 128-bit encryption. You can use either Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher or Netscape Navigator 6.2 or higher. 

Supported browsers for PC's: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher; Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher; Opera 8.0 or higher; Google Chrome. 

Supported browsers for MAC: Mozilla Camino 1.5.3 or higher; Apple Safari 2.0 or higher; Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher; Opera 8.0 or higher.

Q. Are there limits on the number of transfers I can make?


Online banking poses no limits on the number of transfers you can make. However, federal regulations limit the number of withdrawals and transfers on certain types of money market and savings accounts. If you are unsure about restrictions on your accounts, call a Universal Banker at the nearest Passumpsic Bank location or email us at

Q. How much does Consumer Online Banking cost?


There is no charge for the online banking services. Also, there is no charge for the bill payment service.

Q. What do I do if I have a question that is not answered here?


Just call us at 800-370-3196, or visit your local branch. We would be happy to help. 

Q. Is online banking safe and secure?


Yes. Our Consumer online banking platform is a GoDaddy Secure Site. GoDaddy has issued the server a unique Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate, assuring you, our customers, of the  internet site’s authenticity and allowing communications to be encrypted for privacy. For more information check out our Security Statement.

Mobile Banking

Q. What is Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking?


In short, with Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking, you can be sure that your banking activities are with you at all times. You can securely access your Passumpsic Bank accounts from your mobile device to check account balances, pay bills, transfer funds between accounts, and find your nearest branch and ATM.

Q. Is there any cost for Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking?


Our mobile banking is absolutely free – even more reason to use Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking.*

*Message and data rates may apply. Check your mobile service provider plan for details.

Q. Why should I use Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking?


The real-time convenience of Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking just cannot be matched by anything else. Think about all your situational scenarios where it can really come in handy:

  • When you're at the electronics store, and you see that big screen HDTV you absolutely just have to buy - play it safe & make a quick check on your account balance and make sure you have enough money before you purchase.
  • How many times do you find yourself simply waiting around? If you're waiting at the DMV, or waiting at the airport for your flight – this would be a great time to get in tune with your spending habits by checking and reviewing your transaction history.
  • When you're out on vacation, out traveling, or simply have no computer access, you might have a bill you forgot to pay from home or a bill that is due very soon. Don't cut it close. Ensure that you're never late on any of your bills by making a quick and easy bill payment from your phone.
  • Going out this Friday night and realize you'll need some cash? Find your bank's nearest ATM from wherever you are, which just might be at a convenient store a block away.
Q. How can I get Mobile Banking?


It's really easy to get Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking. You can simply find our app from your device app store or learn how to register from Here is what you will need:

  • An eligible Consumer Online Banking account with Passumpsic Bank. Enroll Today
  • A smartphone (iOS, Android), a web-enabled device (mobile browser) or standard mobile device with text capabilities*.

*Message and data rates may apply. Check your mobile service provider plan for details.

Q. What if my mobile device does not support the mobile app?


In the rare case that an older device does not support the mobile banking app, customers can still access the platform via their mobile browser. This link can be bookmarked as well for quick future access. The mobile-friendly link for customers who are not using our mobile app is >

Q. How can I delete my account?


Passumpsic Bank Digital Banking Account Deletion Policy:

Below, you'll find detailed steps on how to proceed with any requests to delete your account and information on the data removed and retained during this process.

Steps to Request Account Deletion:
Contact us to request an account be deleted by any of the methods listed below:

1. email at

2. Call Customer Support at 1-800-370-3196 (or for local calls in the St. Johnsbury, Vermont area, 1-802-748-3196)

3. Mail to: Passumpsic Bank, Customer Support Department, PO Box 38, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

4. Go to and click on the "Let's Talk" to speak with our Customer Support Department.

We can close most accounts immediately when:
- The account has a positive or zero balance.
- All deposits, outstanding and pending items are posted.

Data Deletion from the App:
When you request the deletion of your account, the following data will be deleted:

Personal Information:
All personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, and phone number.

Transaction History:
All records of your financial transactions within the app.

App Usage Data:
Any data related to your interactions and usage of the Passumpsic Bank Digital App.

Q. What do I do if I have a question that is not answered here?


Just call us at 800-370-3196, or visit your local branch. We would be happy to help. 

Mobile Deposit

Q. What kinds of checks are NOT eligible for deposit?


Checks you deposit should be payable to you as the account holder and endorsed on the back with your signature.  Examples of checks that are NOT eligible for mobile deposit include:

  • Checks payable to any person or entity other than the person or entity that owns the account that the check is being deposited into.
  • Checks containing an alteration to any of the fields on the front of the check or item (including the MICR line), or which you know or suspect, or should know or suspect, are fraudulent or otherwise not authorized by the owner of the account on which the check or item is drawn.
  • Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees.
  • Checks previously converted to a substitute check, as defined in Regulation CC.
  • Checks drawn on a financial institution located outside the United States.
  • Checks not payable in United States currency.
  • Checks dated more than 6 months prior to the date of deposit.
  • Checks with any endorsement on the back other than that specified in this agreement.
  • Checks on which a stop payment order has been issued or for which there are insufficient funds.
  • Checks that are remotely created checks, as defined in Regulation CC.
  • Any item that is stamped with a “non-negotiable” watermark.
Q. What is mobile deposit?


Mobile deposit is a convenient feature of the Passumpsic Bank's Mobile Banking App that makes it simple to quickly and securely deposit checks into your checking, savings and money market accounts using your smartphone or tablet. You just take a photo of the front and back of your check and follow the instructions that you'll see on-screen.

The mobile deposit feature allows you to:

  • Deposit checks virtually anytime, anywhere.
  • Save time and trips to the branch.
Q. Is there a fee for using the service?


There is no fee to use our mobile deposit service.   The maximum deposit amount per day is $2,500.00

Q. When can I make mobile deposits?


You can deposit checks with mobile deposit whenever you want –– 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The deposit cut-off time is on or before 4pm Eastern Time on a Business Day.   Deposits submitted after 4pm Eastern Time on a Business Day or on a weekend or a state or federal holiday, the next Business Day will be the Deposit Date.  Keep in mind that mobile deposits are subject to our standard Funds Availability Policy.

Q. Which of my accounts can receive mobile deposits?


You can make mobile deposits into most personal checking, savings, and money market accounts.

Q. Why are the funds from my mobile deposit on hold?


Holds are placed to help protect both you and the bank from losses that could occur when a deposited item is returned unpaid. In certain instances, it’s possible that a hold will be placed at the time you submit a deposit or after you’ve made a deposit. A hold means that, although we’ve received your check for deposit, you won’t be able to use the funds until the hold period has expired. 

Q. How will I know that my mobile deposit is received?


After we successfully receive your deposit, you'll receive a deposit confirmation message on the screen. 

Q. How do I endorse my checks for mobile deposit?


Simply sign the back of your check. Please write “For Mobile Deposit Only” below your signature. Any items not properly signed will not be accepted via mobile deposit.

Q. How long should I keep the check after a mobile deposit is made?


Destroy or otherwise properly dispose of checks and items that have been accepted for mobile deposit through after 30 days. 

Q. What do I do if I have a question that is not answered here?


Just call us at 800-370-3196, or visit your local branch. We would be happy to help. 

Q. Who's eligible to use mobile deposit?


To be eligible to use mobile deposit, just be sure you:

  • Are enrolled in Online Banking and have downloaded the Passumpsic Bank Mobile Banking App.

If you meet these criteria, you will see the DEPOSIT option within the PSB Mobile App. 

Q. What is the maximum deposit amount per day?


$2,500.00 per day.

Mobile Banking Security

Q. Why can't I simply use my computer to access my account? I'm more comfortable with it, and I can just wait till I get access at home.


You certainly can use your computer. But you'll really miss out on all of the complimentary benefits of Mobile Banking to keep you secure.

  • You can check your money at any time of the day. You'll never need to worry about unauthorized activity on your bank account.
Q. What if my phone gets lost or stolen?


Nobody wants their phone lost or stolen. But in the rare case that it does, you should know that your mobile banking access is secured.

  • No personal information from your Mobile Banking account is ever stored on the phone. Your password is never stored.
  • Your login session automatically times out after a specific period of inactivity (check with your bank).
Q. Is my mobile device secure to use? I feel secure with my computer. I like to use my computer for my banking activities and I have concern over using my phone.


Rest assured. Mobile is safe to use!

  • Smartphones such as iPhone & Android have a very controlled and secure operating system.
  • Mobile Banking uses 256 bit SSL encryption just like Online Banking - which basically encrypts and protects any transmission of data including customer account information.
  • Mobile Banking uses strong Firewalls just like Online Banking - which protects from unauthorized or malicious intrusion.
  • Mobile Banking uses your Username & Password for access, just like Online Banking. And just like with Online Banking, your account will lock down after 3 incorrect attempts from your mobile device.
  • Mobile banking uses additional Security Q&A authentication for initial access to your account.
Q. What do I do if I have a question that is not answered here?


Just call us at 800-370-3196, or visit your local branch. We would be happy to help. 

Text Messaging

Q. Why are my results sent as multiple messages?


Text messages are limited to 160 characters. If your account information exceeds the character limit, your account information is sent in multiple messages - no more than five at a time.

Q. Are the keywords case sensitive?


No. Whether you type BAL or bal, a response with your account balance information is sent to your mobile device.

Q. What should I do if I don't get a response to a request?


Make sure you are sending text messages to 99588. Check the keyword and any additional information required to the request, such as the financial institution's identifier, account nickname, or address.

Q. I have text messaging enabled on my mobile device, why can't I receive text messages?


Your mobile service carrier may be blocking short codes or you may have blocked short codes on your mobile device. Short codes must be enabled to use Mobile Money. Short codes are abbreviated phone numbers, usually five digits, used to send Mobile Money messages.

Q. What do I do if I have a question that is not answered here?


Just call us at 800-370-3196, or visit your local branch. We would be happy to help.