Fraud Alerts
Taking every precaution to guard your information
Whenever severe weather strikes — blizzards, heavy winds, or the recent devastating fires in Los Angeles — you can bet scammers are following the news to target people affected. So, how do you protect yourself against weather-related scams?
Read MoreEnrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan you’re not sure is right for you? Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re reviewing and comparing your coverage options.
Read MoreScammers lie and pretend to be someone they’re not to trick you into giving them money, access to your accounts, or your personal information. They pretend to be from a business you know or from a government agency — or both. In the latest twist on these constantly evolving schemes, scammers are claiming to be FTC Chairman Andrew Ferguson.
Read MoreNew year, new chance to think about ways to protect yourself from identity theft. What’s one way? Freeze your credit.
You don’t have to wait for your Social Security number or other information to be exposed in a data breach — or misused by an identity thief — to benefit from a credit freeze.
Read MoreIf it’s not scammers spamming your phone with texts or filling up your inbox with emails, it’s your mailbox crammed with ads and other mail you didn’t ask for. The junk messages and mail might seem endless, but there are some ways to help scale it back.
Read MoreAn unexpected package from an unknown sender arrives in your name. You open it and find a note that says it’s a gift, but it doesn’t say who sent it. The note also says to scan a QR code to find out who sent it — or to get instructions on how to return it. Did someone really send you a gift? Or is it an attempt to steal your personal information?
Read MoreWhat could be better than opening the mailbox or the front door and finding an unexpected package? Free gifts might seem like fun — but when an unexpected package lands on your doorstep, it may come with a higher cost than you expected.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year when ads enticing you to upgrade your mobile phone seem to be everywhere you turn. If you’re thinking about upgrading your phone, here are four easy steps to remove your personal information from your phone before you trade it in.
Read MoreYou’re probably getting emails, texts, and calls asking for end-of-year donations. It’s the season of giving, after all. Scammers know this is a popular time to donate, so they’re out there, too, trying to trick people into giving to them instead of a real charity. To make sure the charity you picked is legit and your money will support programs you care about, check out these tips.
Read MoreOnline shopping makes gift giving easier than ever, but it isn’t free of risks.
Keep an eye out for online shopping scams this holiday season so you can protect your money.